Thursday, September 22, 2011

Both complete posters

Here they are:

Poster 1

Poster 2


  1. i like the colors, they fit really good with christmas, it just seems like theres something that it needs

  2. I love the 2nd one, the christmas colors, scrooge's profile, and how the title is arranged really fit together making a really good overall design. With the 1st one, the text arrangement is good and the candle is subtle but still makes a statement. My only suggestion is that the font is a little much, maybe choose one that's a little more like the 2nd one's.

  3. The Christmas colors are nice and go well with the title "The Christmas Carol." The silhouette also provides a mystery of what the play is all about. The text alignment in both is a bit all over the place in the first and sticking to a more specific alignment may prove more appealing.

    The colors are also a bit too bright (neon green and "regular" red), but other than that, great job.

  4. 1st Design:

    Good: Title typography. Very clever and clean way of adding information around the title. It doesn't look crowded and it DOES look put together and thoughtful. Simple font choice. Overall design is balanced with nice empty space.

    Play With: Size of the "ahs presents.." at the top. Alignment of the "ahs presents.." I am not sure about the alignment. Part of me likes it to the left, but it also feels a little out of balance because the A is to the left too. Maybe try aligning it with the right side of the A and the right side of the s in Christmas. This might be confusing to read. Sorry. Try putting the candle on the left side and the information on the right. You have such beautiful typography and clever placement then the candle just feels plopped in the middle.

    2nd Design:

    Good: Text queen. Title looks strong. Nice addition of information below it, small and subtle. Overall engaging layout: asymmetrical. Text on left, man on right. Nice empty space because of the silhouette. Striking contrast. Great grouping of information.

    Try: shrinking top line, shrinking dates and times a LITTLE and the last paragraph a LITTLE. In the last paragraph keep Tickets at Aloha Theatre larger than the prices, just shrink them proportionately. Play with other color schemes. I would like to see this poster copy and pasted three times. Keep one the colors that it is now, choose one color scheme that a peer in class used for their poster and apply it to your design and in the third try something new. Post all three and I will give you feedback over the weekend. You can tell me you love me later for all the extra work.

  5. I like both ideas. i just think you should shrink the very top headline and center it on both posters

  6. In your first poster the text boxes balance your poster very nicely, it doesn't seem like all the attention go to one side or the other. Your title seems like it isn't centered, try fixing that. other than that your poster is really good.

    In your second poster your typography is very well positioned, your text boxes are separated well enough that it doesn't look like there is a huge chunk of words in one part of your poster. What you can try to fix is that bright red in Scrooge's silhouette, it distracts the reader from the main purpose which is to inform people about the act.

  7. I think the candle in the first one is hanging out of the background, I think the candle should be smaller. I like the second one, I think you are the only person who has used Christmas colours.

  8. i like the candle one, but the font keeps reminding me of aladin which is a little distracting but pretty good otherwise, and i really enjoy the other
