It's yet another Jim Carrey poster, but this one drew my eye because, finally, I didn't have his ugly mug staring at me. Scrooge is on the poster, yes, but he's on an empty London street at night, which is not the most pleasant place to be, and most certainly not alone. This gives the poster a bleak mood.
It shows a better understanding of the source material than other posters I've come across. Most of the posters that weren't simply Jim Carrey's face showed Scrooge as he is at the end, holding Tiny Tim on his shoulder. This is not the general mood of the story. This poster shows Scrooge as he is; old, bent, and alone, even in a place that has known many people. The fog and lighting of the city streets add to the mood of the poster.
The placing of the title is what really sells it for me. It's well placed and stands out enough that you can see it, but it doesn't really interfere with the picture itself. The simplicity is what makes it work.
This poster doesn't oversell itself, and so succeeds in its purpose as an advertisement; to be seen and appreciated and to give the viewer some idea of the thing it's advertising, but not overly garish and intrusive. All in all, it's very well put together.
Great description. Nice comparison of the desolate street to Scrooge's life. Nice attention to the position and pose of Scrooge and how it relates to the story. I saw the poster on your computer when you selected it, but for some reason it is showing up as a question mark on the blog. Try downloading the poster to the student documents and then uploading it from there.